
Disclaimer : most of these definitions are theories based on the files. I tried to keep a theoretical vocabulary (seems, supposed to…) but even the affirmations can be theories only. To sort out what’s a fact and what’s a theory, visit the links of the files involved. This index is just here to help you focus on something else than a weird scientific term, and serves as a quick recap of what we know so far.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Aetheric Hyperflux : A very strong flow of magic or energy. (see LBR_sites.Confidential.doc)

Alfred : Presumed former creator of the Church of Genxsis. (see Alfred ingram winter †)

Altilium chordata tank : A high-tech stasis chamber created by ARC/HIVE who keeps people in a very low-energy state, where their body's functions slow down almost to a stop. This allows the body to heal and repair itself without the natural pain-relief chemicals (endorphins) being released. This is the tank we see in In the dark. (see Jan15_2031_declassified__PROJECT D.U.S.T. 2)

Angeldust : Hybrid humanoid creature who first appeared in Kool Aid live as a bald and rotten angel. Seems to also appear in the Kool-Aid music video. (see Angeldust)

Arcane Verterations : (1) Telluric (magic) knots hidden underground. (2) Telluric (magic, electric & magnetic) current hidden underground. (see LBR_sites.Confidential.doc)

ARC/HIVE : A former scientific study. They’re involved in many projects and operations, like Operation Trinity, Project D.U.S.T. and Project S.Y.K.O./P.S.Y. They appear for the first time in In the dark. They were destroyed after an experiment gone wrong. (see ARC/HIVE)

Astral Matrix : A grid or table used to mesure the Astral plane. (see LBR_sites.Confidential.doc)

Astral Plane : Esoteric concept of another plane where the souls travel when dreaming, during near death experiences or astral projections.

Augmented Reality : a technology that overlays computer-generated elements onto the real world. (think : Pokemon Go)

AURORA : (1) A limousine. (2) Artist featured on Limousine. (see LBR_sites.Confidential.doc)


BioCores : Synthetic material designed to mimic biological processes. They’re a component of the MOXYPAL. (see Lauren_D8_Log_203701.docx)


Casual Entropic Residue : A thermodynamic concept. Some energy waste left after the manipulation of Aetheric Hyperflux. (see LBR_sites.Confidential.doc)

Cephalon : The head of certain arthropodes (crustaceans or trilobites) and insects. (see

Chiropatagium : A bat’s wing membrane between its fingers, arms and body. (see

Chronic Environmental Respiratory Syndrome : CERS. A deadly disease spread via environemental toxins. Symptoms are coughing blood, cell damages and probably breathing difficulties. (see GRUMBLR.Rebecca_Sinclair_01142027)

Codek : An imaginary device, like a smartphone, used to communicate via messages or facecam.

Community Resource Analog Programming network : A social media (more like YouTube) ruled by Nex Gen where conspiracy theorists can post anything they want. Nex Gen still keeps an eye on them. (see Nex gen leak 'UNBELEEVABLE' .doc)

Connection : The first insight. Linked to Syko, Raphael, Pan, the relic Pan’s flute, the element Air and the direction East. The insight asks to challenge ingrained beliefs and conditioning to deeply connect with people. (see The Four Insights)


D8 : AI robot created and used by Ikaro Lauren as lab journal for his discoveries. (see D8)

Dactylopatagium : A bat’s wing membrane between its digits. (see

Dallus Lauren : Former member of The Cult of Mantra, he was part of the Operation Trinity. Former scientist at ARC/HIVE, he created the Moxypal and synths. He accidentally destroyed ARC/HIVE during some tests on himself. Father of Ikaro Lauren. Died in late 2037. (see Dallus Lauren †).

Dimension Y-93 : Youtopia’s scientific name. (see LBR_sites.Confidential.doc)

DMT : A powerful psychedelic compound that produces intense, short-lasting hallucinations and altered states of consciousness. It is naturally produced by humans as an infant thanks to the pineal gland.

DREAMSEEKER : A device used to keep humans in an artificial coma, hooked on P.U.S.S-E.. (see Trailer)

DTC : Divided Territories of Colombia. An imaginary country where ARC/HIVE is from. (see Operation_Trinity_Analysis.xlsx & GRUMBLR.Rebecca_Sinclair_01142027)

Dual Ethereal Distillation Arrays : Two devices (E.D.A.) created to separate the substances coming from and going into the Astral plane. (see LBR_sites.Confidential.doc)


Eastern Citadel : Probably a scientific study based in Novosovia, rival to ARC/HIVE. (see Jan15_2031_declassified__PROJECT D.U.S.T. 2)

Eastern Erothia : An imaginary city, certainly based on an Eastern US city (maybe Chicago), where the TEKKA raves take place.

Eldritch Conduit : (1) A passage between two worlds. (2) An announcement of the coming of a new god. (see LBR_sites.Confidential.doc)

Eli : Short for New Elysium. (see Selene_Personal_Journal_2037.02.doc)

Elias Mortem : Former lead scientist at the Research Division at ARC/HIVE. He asked for funds for two scientific projects : D.U.S.T. & P.S.Y.. May be based on Elias Martian, costume designer for BMTH who appears in the LosT music video & Kool-Aid behind the scene. (see Elias Mortem & Jan15_2031_declassified__PROJECT D.U.S.T. 2)

Emily : A mysterious woman who went through the four insights and reached Youtopia. She now appears above E.V.E. in the organigram of Nex Gen. (see Emily)

Empathy : The second insight. Linked to Madman, Gabriel, Miseria, the relic Guardian tears, the element Water and the direction West. The insight asks for self love, kindness and compassion towards oneself and others. (see The Four Insights)

Energy Overload : Sudden surge of energy, too much to be handled by the devices used. (see LBR_sites.Confidential.doc)

Energy Pulse Induction : A fast wireless charging technology. (see R8 Fulfilment Source [m0n0].doc)

Enhanced Oscillatory Harmonic Filter : A device that mesures and reduces the risk of a waste of energy, overheat or failure. (see LBR_sites.Confidential.doc)

Ether Flux : A flow of energy supposedly weaker than the Aetheric Hyperflux. (see R8 Fulfilment Source [m0n0].doc)

EtherFlux Transmission : A flow of energy used to transfer data. (see R8 Fulfilment Source [m0n0].doc)

Etheric Veins : The hypothetical veins through which the Aetheric Hyperflux or Ether Flux flows. Can be the former name of Skyveins. (see LBR_sites.Confidential.doc)

E.V.E. : Evolutionary Virtual Experiment. The leader of Nex Gen and supposedly the Church of Genxsis. Initialized in 2037, she’s the one pulling the reins of everything Nex Gen related. She has multiple personalities depending whether she appears in the ARG, live shows or social medias. (see EVE)

E.V.E/L : Extremely Violent Ersatz Lifeform. The evil version of E.V.E. after her creators tried to shut her down because she wanted to destroy humanity. She’s only mentionned during live shows. (see Download 2023)


FANTOM : A tactical team controlled by Nex Gen, who can intervene when things go wrong. They can erase people’s memories, spy, and attack & kill any target. They’re the ones who killed Scott and are supposedly monitoring Lee M.D.’s every move after the first episode of Unbeleevable was launched. (see Nex gen leak 'UNBELEEVABLE' .doc & Kngsl@yer_EncryptMsg.codek)


Gabriel : Archangel linked to the insight “Empathy”. His name is used in the LBRP. (see Gabriel & The Four Insights)

Gaia Rehab Facility : A facility owned by Nex Gen where people who aren’t fit for that society are gathered and treated as patients, and maybe used as test subjects. It’s supposedly what we see both in LosT and sTraNgeRs. (see DREADITScreenshot 2051.

Genesis Moment : The activation of E.V.E. by Ikaro Lauren the 24/10/2037 at 2:30. (see Lauren_D8_Log_203701.docx)

Goxmog : Short for Goxethoromogetheus. A mysterious cryptid probably created in a Nex Gen lab, combining several animals including a goat, a snake and a bird. Its skeleton is currently used on stage by JJ (formerly by Oli). (see


Harmonic Discrepancies : The different harmonic currents (interferences in the electric/energic/magic current) registered. (see LBR_sites.Confidential.doc)


Iara : Former ARC/HIVE scientist who’s now working for Nex Gen. Friend of Rebecca Sinclair. She was 47 in 2027. (see Iara)

Ikaro Lauren : Son of Dallus Lauren, he works for Nex Gen. He’s the creator of E.V.E. as we know her today. He seems to suffer from Radiogenic Leukotrichia. (see Ikaro Lauren)

Indole-alkaloid structure : Chemical frameworks who have significant biological activities, including psychoactive and medicinal properties. (see StrassmanCONFIDENTIALRPRT007.CODEC)



Karl Strassman : Former member of The Cult of Mantra, he was extracted during the Operation Trinity and worked afterwards at ARC/HIVE. After the destruction of ARC/HIVE, he went to work on Nex Gen. His projects include the opening of the LBR centers in Heian-kyô & Naniwa-kyô and the creation of P.U.S.S then P.U.S.S.-E.. He’s supposedly dead now. (see Karl Strassman †?)


LBR/LBRP : Lesser Banishing Ritual or Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. A ritual used to reach Youtopia in a natural way, displayed for the first time in [ost] (spi) ritual. The phrase “For about me flames the pentagram, and within me shines the six rayed star” we see so often comes from this ritual. (see DREADITScreenshot 2051. & LBR_sites.Confidential.doc)

Lee M.D : Character based on Lee Malia. The host and creator of the Unbeleevable serie, a serie of videos about conspiracy theories that may hold a lot of truth. (see Nex gen leak 'UNBELEEVABLE' .doc)

LIDAR : A sophisticated scanner used to create a better recreation of a place or an event via Augmented Reality. (see R8 Fulfilment Source [m0n0].doc)


M8 : Flying robot, property of Nex Gen, but also formerly Selene’s companion and currenly Sof’s companion. She helps us discovering Selene’s files on the website named after her. (see M8)

Madman : Character based on Lee Malia. He’s linked to the insight “Empathy” and appears as a Nex Gen employee, but we don’t know much about him. (see Madman)

Mares : Collective nightmarish hallucinations capable of incapacitating an entire troop of soldiers. It can infect anyone. (see Jan15_2031_declassified__PROJECT D.U.S.T. 2)

Meta-Cognition : An awareness and understanding of one's own thought processes. In the context, an analysis of how the other person is thinking and why with a meta commentary. (see Lauren_D8_Log_203701.docx)

Metaphysical Phase Energy waves : Here, a wave of Aetheric Hyperflux from the Astral plane that may come in phases (not all at once, not all the time). (see LBR_sites.Confidential.doc)

Miseria : Omen linked to the insight “Empathy”. Owner of the relic “Guardian Tears”. She may be linked to the song liMOusIne. (see Miseria †?)

MOXYPAL : A personal air purification device that transforms CO2 into breathable oxygen using BioCores. (see Lauren_D8_Log_203701.docx & Top 10 staTues tHat CriEd bloOd)


Neosages : Members of The Cult of Mantra. (see Nex gen leak 'UNBELEEVABLE' .doc)

Neural Matrix : A unit of measurement for data storage. (see R8 Fulfilment Source [m0n0].doc)

Nex Gen : A scientific study created by the Church of Genxsis that turned into a mega corporation. Its main objective is to find the next step of evolution for humanity. They’re at the core of many projects, the most famous one being Operation Dreamseeker. The leader is E.V.E.. (see Nex Gen)

Nexies : A nickname for a drug that supposedly helps focus on a task and acts as a stimulant. (see Scott_Personal_Journal_VSPR-37.doc)

New Elysium : An imaginary city based on New York. This is where the M8 website comes from. Selene went to school there. (see SCISTUDYSCAN1999wrist.SCN)

New Seoul : An imaginary city probably based on Seoul. (see GRUMBLR.Rebecca_Sinclair_01142027)

NG Medical Unit : A Medical Unit belonging to Nex Gen in their facilities where Selene was taken after she was bitten by Scott. (see Kngsl@yer_EncryptMsg.codek)

Nodal Arcane Crossings : Center of the crossing of the magic current. A reference to the Arcane Verterations. (see LBR_sites.Confidential.doc)

Novosovia : An imaginary country based on Russia where Skys and The Cult of Mantra is based. Its flag is a toned down Russian flag, and its language is an old russian one. (see Operation_Trinity_Analysis.xlsx and Nex gen leak 'UNBELEEVABLE' .doc)

Novosovia Union : Also known as Union of Novosovia. An imaginary country, sometimes referred only as Novosovia, based on the former USSR.

NYX : NYX 01 & NYX 02 are code names used by Nex Gen to refer to Selene and Scott. (see Kngsl@yer_EncryptMsg.codek)


October Palace : (1) A former KGB HQ in Kiev repurposed as a concert hall. (2) The Cult of Mantra HQ in Novosovia. (see Jan15_2031_declassified__PROJECT D.U.S.T. 2 & Mantra)

Operation Dreamseeker : A large scale operation to hook humans on P.U.S.S.-E., keep them in Dreamseeker devices and help them reach Youtopia. (see Trailer)

Operation Trinity : An extracting operation organised by ARC/HIVE in Novosovia targetting Skys, Dallus Lauren and Karl Strassman following the fall of The Cult of Mantra. (see Operation_Trinity_Analysis.xlsx)

Overwatch : An access level 3 member of Nex Gen. A spy part of the FANTOM unit who spied on Selene and Scott the day Scott was killed. (see Kngsl@yer_EncryptMsg.codek)


Pan : Omen linked to the insight “Connection”. Owner of the relic “Pan’s Flute”. He’s a satyre. (see Pan)

Pedipalp : Small legs (not used to walk) in chelicerates (spiders, scorpions…), located towards their mouth, used to hunt or taste their food. (see

Pereonites : Multiple pereon. A thoracic division of a crustacean body. (see

Pickles : Character based on Mat Nicholls. He’s linked to the insight “Purpose” and appears as a Nex Gen employee, but we don’t know much about him. (see Pickles)

Pineal Gland : A small part of the brain that develops from birth to early childhood, releasing small amounts of DMT into the body. After a while, the gland stops producing DMT and shrinks. It is the main focus of Nex Gen’s studies.

Plagiopatagium : A bat’s wing membrane between its digits and its back legs. (see

Project D.U.S.T. : A scientific study by ARC/HIVE based on The Cult of Mantra’s researches. The goal of this study is to awake magical abilities in their subjects using torture, and to create a bioweapon that can be used by governements. (see Jan15_2031_declassified__PROJECT D.U.S.T. 2)

Project S.Y.K.O. : The former name of Project P.S.Y.

Project P.S.Y. : Psychoactive Structured Yttrium. A scientific study by ARC/HIVE following The Cult of Mantra’s actions. The goal is to study and recreate Mares, and find a cure for those haunted by these Mares. (see Jan15_2031_declassified__PROJECT D.U.S.T. 2)

Project KINGSLAYER : A study originated by The Cult of Mantra. Its goal is unknown for now. (see Jan15_2031_declassified__PROJECT D.U.S.T. 2)

Psychoemotional Reflection Sequence : An analyse of the emotional response in the subject. (see Lauren_D8_Log_203701.docx)

Purpose : The third insight. Linked to Pickles, Michael, Vanth, the relic Abramelin’s candle of eternal light, the element Fire and the direction South. The insight asks to look for our true purpose, and enjoy the journey instead of focussing on the destination. (see The Four Insights)

P.U.S.S. : Pineal Upregulation Synthetic Substance. The first version of P.U.S.S.-E.

P.U.S.S-E. : Pineal Upregulation Synthetic Substance - Enhanced. A drug based on DMT and on Selene’s brain chemicals supposed to help subjects reach Youtopia. It’s supposed to mimic the state of mind one can get after performing a LBRP. It’s side effects can be deadly. (see StrassmanCONFIDENTIALRPRT007.CODEC)


Quantum drifts and singularity : 2 concepts in quantum physics. Drifts are small, random changes in the behavior of tiny particles, like atoms. Singularities are points where things go to extremes, like a black hole where gravity is so strong that normal physics breaks down.

Quantum Entanglement Communication : A concept where 2 particles are tangled together, and influence each other no matter how far they are from each other. (ex : 2 dice showing the same number no matter how far they’re apart). It’s basically a super fast communication. (see R8 Fulfilment Source [m0n0].doc)

Quantum Resonance Frequencies : The exact frequency in which a quantum system (atom or molecule) can absorb or emit energy (think : radiations, nuclear energy etc). (see LBR_sites.Confidential.doc)


R8 : The very first robot of the “8” serie. It can show the past using AR. We saw his model an abilities in the Top 10 staTues tHat CriEd bloOd music video. (see R8)

Radiogenic Leukotrichia : A condition following WWIII giving children white hair at birth due to radiations. A very rare mutation of this condition gives pink hair instead. It’s possible to pass it down genetically if both parents have the condition (the gene is recessive). (see SCISTUDYSCAN1999wrist.SCN)

Raphael : Archangel linked to the insight “Connection”. His name is used in the LBRP. (see Raphael & The Four Insights)

Rebecca Sinclair : Former ARC/HIVE brilliant scientist who was terminally ill with CERS. She signed up to become the very first synth ever created by Nex Gen (allegedly) in 2028, and became the manager of the R&D (research & Developement) team. (see ISSUE-51-fromhelltoshell.pdf 1 & GRUMBLR.Rebecca_Sinclair_01142027)


Scott : Teenager based on Oli Sykes who, in October 2037, caught the VSPR-37 and documented the spread of his infection. He was killed the 31/10/2037 by the FANTOM team of Nex Gen at only 16 years old, after he’d eaten his dog’s face, bit Selene and killed at least one FANTOM member. His body was retrieved by Nex Gen. (see Scott_Personal_Journal_VSPR-37.doc & Kngsl@yer_EncryptMsg.codek)

Selene : One of our main protagonist, a pink haired girl we know was 16 in 2037. She was a very good friend of Scott, is the mother of Sof and the creator of the “for SOF” folder. She’s immune to the VSPR-37, and used by Nex Gen as the main ingredient for P.U.S.S.-E. We’re not sure what happened to her in the present. (see Selene)

Skynet : Part of the Terminator franchise. A powerful AI who decides to exterminate humanity to protect itself, responsible for the dystopian future displayed in the movies. (see SCISTUDYSCAN1999wrist.SCN)

Skys : Character based on Oli Sykes with pink hair. He’s from Novosovia, was the cult leader of The Cult of Mantra and the singer of the band Sky & the Starjammers from at least 2004. He faked his death in 2020, was extracted in Operation Trinity by ARC/HIVE and disappeared into thin air. (see Skys)

Skyveins : The new name of Etheric Veins. (see LBR_sites.Confidential.doc)

Sof : Our main protagonist. Daughter of Selene, she’s the pink haired girl on the cover of PH : Nex Gen. She’s supposedly a half goddess. Her companion is M8, given to her by Selene. (see Sof)

Solve et Coagula : An alchemic fomula describing the process of transformation. “Solve” means to separate the compounds, “Coagula” means bringing the compounds together. Destruction and rebuilding. (see Stage outfit)

Soms : A nickname for a drug or meds that act as a tranquillizer. (see Selene_Personal_Journal_2037.02.doc)