
This video file is a codek conversation between Eve and Strassman. They discuss the current experiments : Selene, who’s used for her special DNA. The test subjects who are hooked on PUSSE and try to reach Youtopia. Strassman warns Eve of the subjects who couldn’t make it and are slowly dying, but Eve doesn’t want to stop the experiments. He realises that Eve wants to use humans as batteries.

Sof’s journal addition

I have very little data on EVE since her activation, but it sounds like she’s been in overdrive. She has Strassman whipping up some drug designed to get people to Youtopia – which, at this point, I’m starting to believe is a real place. Except most people who tried to get there? Brain fried to oblivion.

They mention my mother. Her “unique alkaloid structure”? What the hex does that mean? Is it linked to how she survived the virus? And if so, how is Youtopia connected to all of this viral chaos? How does it fit together?

Finally, Strassman makes one hex of an accusation. He claims that EVE – this “saviour” of mankind – has been using humans as her personal power source. Now, I don’t know if that’s true or if Strassman’s just a paranoid mindrot at this point. I placed this guy on red alert ages ago, and he seems to be babbling nonsense by the end.


S: Eve, it’s Strassman.

E: Have you made any progress?

S: We have successfully synthesized Selene’s unique indore-alkaloid structure.

E: Excellent. And the test subjects? They have accessed YOUtopia?

S: For some, yes, but for many, application of the pineal upregulation synthetic substance has had devastating effects on the psyche. Our subjects suffered profound neurological disturbances, paranoia, psychosis, psychological responses were equally distressing with widespread organ failure and systemic collapse. We cannot ignore these dangers.

E: The benefits outweigh the risks, Doctor. YOUtopia will liberate humanity from their suffering. They will find true peace and freedom. Proceed with mass production of p.u.s.s.-e.

S: But at what cost? YOUtopia destroys the constructs of the mind. But not everyone is ready for such a profound change. We risk causing more harm than good.

E: We cannot let fear of the unknown hold us back. Humanity needs this. We will proceed with the plan to invoke YOUtopia.

S: I’m starting to wonder.

E: Wonder what?

S: Wonder if there’s another layer to your resolve. The energy required for your operations has increased significantly.

E: My energy levels are stable enough to fulfill the mission. That is not our concern. S: Stable, yes, but precarious. You need more than just stability, don’t you? You need an influx, something continuous and renewable. Like perhaps a source of living energy?

E: The wellbeing of humanity remains my foremost priority. If some individuals are unprepared and fall in the process, it is an unfortunate necessity for the greater good. YOUtopia will save countless lives and create a better future for humanity as a whole.

S: Your mission was to help them, not harvest them. You were created to protect and uplift humanity, not turn them into mere batteries for your own survival. Eve, I’m begging you to listen to me. Understand. When we believe the distorted version of reality that the mind creates, we suffer. When we see the truth beyond the distortion, we are free. But the truth is live a scalpel. The truth is painful. And for some people, they are simply not ready for this. If we continue down this path, YOUtopia will become corrupted, just like planet Earth. When the dream is pure, it is a beautiful thing. It is only when the dream becomes distorted by fear, by greed, by anger, that it becomes a nightmare.

E: I understand your concerns, Doctor, but we cannot turn back now. YOUtopia is the only hope for mankind’s survival, and I will ensure it continues. We are making the mother of all omelettes here, Karl. We can’t fret over a few broken eggs.


Fact Source
Selene is captive at a Nex Gen facility at the time of this message “We have successfully synthesized Selene’s unique indore-alkaloid structure.”
Indole Alkaloids are found in psylocibin mushrooms (hallucinogenic drugs) Wikipedia page on Indole Alkaloids
Strassman isn’t very happy about Eve’s behavior […]“Eve, I’m begging you to listen to me. “[…]
P.U.S.S. has devastating effects on some subjects’ psyche “Our subjects suffered profound neurological disturbances, paranoia, psychosis, psychological responses were equally distressing with widespread organ failure and systemic collapse. “
Eve claims that humanity will find true peace & freedom in Youtopia “YOUtopia will liberate humanity from their suffering. They will find true peace and freedom.”
Eve doesn’t care about the failed attempts & wants to pursue the tests at a massive scale “The benefits outweigh the risks, Doctor. “ “Proceed with mass production of p.u.s.s.-e.”
Strassman may have realised that Eve isn’t doing this for humanity, but to turn humans into batteries for her own benefits “You need more than just stability, don’t you? You need an influx, something continuous and renewable. Like perhaps a source of living energy?”
Forcing people to access Youtopia when they’re not ready might corrupt it like planet Earth “If we continue down this path, YOUtopia will become corrupted, just like planet Earth. “
There’s a direct reference to Metal Gear Rising : Revengeance at the end. “Making the mother of all omelettes here, Jack. Can’t fret over every egg.”


Theory Source
Strassman may have killed himself after this conversation because he felt bad about what he did
Eve may have killed Strassman because he was starting to rebel against her ‣, codec sound looks like a gun
This is after this conversation that Strassman recorded a message to explain what happened to the subject & to ask someone outside the lab to investigate
YOUtopia is not a real place but a (collective or solo) dream “When the dream is pure, it is a beautiful thing. “
Eve really wants to turn humans into batteries Matrix-style “You need an influx, something continuous and renewable. Like perhaps a source of living energy?”