Amo leprosy
Amo cult leader
Amo nuclear
Amo white
This is our first interesting costume it contains refferences both to the album leprosy by the band Death And the molecule pattern is Clofazimine, sold under the brand name Lamprene, a medication used to treat leprosy. We have the information that the Mantra cult was using a bio weapon [to terrorize soldiers with hallucinations/Mares] but leprosy was used in a “bioweapon” sense in history : In 1495 The Spanish offered wine spiked with the blood of leprosy patients to the French near Naples. Also Leprosy [alongside other deseases] is listed as being a potential bioweapon :
Although humans are susceptible to infection and death from more than 100 pathogens, only about thirteen of these are considered potentially useful as bioweapons. These include anthrax, influenza, smallpox, cholera, ebola, Marburg, hepatitis C, legionnaire's disease, leprosy, plague, Lassa fever, Argentine hemorrhagic fever, and tuberculosis. SOURCE : 🔗 Bioweapon impact on public heath and the environement
The Jacket has refferences to the nuclear symbol, linking it to the nuclear powers flashing in the SHIT MV and as well hinting the WW3 nuclear war in the ARG.
A lot of references directs us to famous IRL cult leaders, such as Charles Manson as well as the Waco siege incident cult leader Vernon Howell and the Jamestown mass suicide. We can assume here that Oliver may be portraying Skys on stage, who is also a cult leader within the ARG universe being the head of the Mantra cult.
Masonic references : On the PH2 Costume we also have order chaos on the sleeve reminicent of the previous Amo era design.
On the left shoulder we have the same motto, this time in latin “order ab chaos”
On the right shoulder, we have Tenebras Lux, also a massonic refference - explained below
Lyrics references : Costume is made of several lyrics within the circles on his chest : Top10, Youtopia, Dig it & Bullet w/ my name on On the bottom, we also have lyrics of One Day The Only Butterflies Left[…] From PH1
TOP10 Lyrics are also reffered in Latin language and once again in the back of the costume in English this time Occult references :
We have a few symbols comming from the Hermetic order of the golden dawn 🔗
The tablet of union (also present on Selene’s diary as a sticker)
The Rose Cross of the golden dawn
Mercury rod is on the back of the costume
We also have references to the kabbalah 🔗
The bird symbol is the one of the Ordo templis Orientis 🔗, another magic secret society linked to Aleister Crowley
The triangle is part of the lesser key of Solomon 🔗
The pentagram circle is the LBRP ritual
For Oliver’s pants, we unfortunately need a clearer shot to investigate further, but Astrological references seem to be a theme with planet symbols
For a deep dive please consult the Occult references section 🔗
During the PH2 cycle, Oliver’s persona on stage is most likely his ARG caracter, Scott/Syko : due to the white costume, the use of lenses and sometimes a pike choker [Sthlm Fields 2024 - Sweden]